Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Random thoughts of the night

I refuse to be a Christians that settles for ordinary. I am called for far more than that. And to be honest, I think we are all called for more than ordinary. But there's only a few who make the choice to accept and live out their calling.

I have fully recognized and accepted that my life is not mine. It was given to me by God, and it was given for a purpose. The purpose being to bring glory to His name in any way imaginable, and to share His wonderful love and mercy with as many who will listen.

Knowing this, how could I make my life about me? Though it is so tempting, and I still tend to be selfish and do things for myself and think according to my desires. But the Holy Spirit eventually will gently correct my thinking. He is so good to me, and faithful. And I do see that as I am faithful to Him, He is very much faithful to me as well. This is such an unconditional love... I've never experienced anything so perfect and satisfying and without lack.

Actually, when Shyju Mathew was here last Wednesday he said, "Can it be possible to have Jesus in your life and still lack?" Which after thinking about it for a few seconds I realized it's so obvious that the answer is no. Absolutely not! Because God is everything, He has everything and therefore He can give us everything we need. If we truly know Him, we have access to everything God has.

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