Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Standing up for God

I’m silly and I’m weird and I love to have fun and laugh until my cheeks ache. Yeah, sure, sometimes I go overboard. Sometimes people think I’m crazy or annoying, but it doesn’t really matter…because it’s blissful. It’s a temporary state of happiness that I get into when I’m surrounded by amazing people I love. I get high on my own love for people, that’s what it is. People think it’s crazy and they don’t understand it but that’s okay because it’s temporary. I love it. I thrive in the presence of people, I enjoy the company of people and forgive me if I get happy and excited when I’m with them.

But despite all that, I am also incredibly passionate about being serious when I need to be. Like when it comes to Godly things—I am dead serious. I will stand up for Jesus and defend His honour no matter what you say about me. I won’t even budge. I won’t care what You say because I am so sure of Him and His sovereignty that He’s too important to let any person sway my devotion to Him. I actually love that about myself. How I can be silly and passive towards people’s judgements and just have fun without letting it bother me, but the second you touch my God, I will not have it. I’ll be the one to speak up and tell you you’re wrong. I’ll be the one that stands up for Godly things that the world considers hateful. I will be “that” person that you don’t wanna hear.

I will risk being called a freak, or an extremist. Because it means nothing to me. Because at the end of the day I will sit on the floor in my room to meet with God like every other night, and when He comes He will tell me He is proud of me and He will reassure me of His love and power and glory. And that assurance alone makes everything worth it. It melts my heart. It brings tears to my eyes. It fills my heart with an overflowing love and bubbly joy that is irreplaceable. Being liked by people can never give me the same satisfaction as being loved by my Creator does. So if I had to choose between pleasing people or God, you better believe I’m going to choose God in a heartbeat.

I love Him, and His opinion of me matters. Not anyone else’s.

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